Sunnyside Yard Site Investigation & Remediation

Amtrak; New York


Roux’s work at Amtrak’s 100+ acre Sunnyside Yard includes conducting a multi-phased remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS); interim remedial measures (IRMs); and risk assessments to investigate soil, groundwater, separate-phase hydrocarbon (SPH) contamination, soil vapor, and sewer system conditions. Additionally, Roux completed extensive engineering, remedial design, and remedy implementation activities associated with all six operable units (OUs) at the Yard, and we have obtained Records of Decision (RODs) for all six of the OUs. Throughout the years, Roux has been involved with many significant wins for Amtrak at Sunnyside Yard, including:

  • Negotiating revised alternative soil clean-up levels (saving the Responsible Parties approximately $80 million in remedial costs).

  • Negotiating a No Action ROD for widespread groundwater contamination by providing compelling technical proof that impacts are from off-site sources.

  • Significantly limiting the scope of the required on-site sewer remedy.

  • Completing the remediation of the PCB-containing SPH plume in OU-3, the most contaminated part of the yard, on an expedited basis, including an extensive Dual Phase Vacuum Extraction System, to facilitate Amtrak’s development and infrastructure construction associated with the Next Generation Acela High Speed Rail program.

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New York



Roux Services


Remedial Design

Remedial Investigation

Feasibility Study

Design and Construction of DPVE System

Interim Remedial Measures

Risk Assessments

Remedy Implementation Activities

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