Contact Information
Phone: (631) 232-2600
Location: Islandia, NY New York, NY
Wetland Permitting and Regulatory Evaluation
Habitat Restoration
Arborist Services
Sediment Management
Stormwater Management
NYS Brownfield Cleanup Program Site Management
BS, Fishery Biology - Colorado State University
Ms. Sommo is a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), ISA Arborist, Certified Wetland Delineator, and Certified Senior Ecologist with over twenty years of experience in environmental compliance including: site assessment (surface water, groundwater, soil, and sediment investigations), habitat restoration design, construction oversight, wetland delineation and assessment, wetland permitting, stream bank stabilization, stormwater treatment wetlands, and tree inventories. Ms. Sommo specializes in wetlands regulatory evaluation, remediation, sediment disposal/reuse management, restoration, and monitoring. Ms. Sommo has been responsible for coordinating the preparation of Biological Assessments for NOAA and USFWS review, Essential Fish Habitat Assessments, Mitigation Plans, investigation workplans, reporting and remedial action work plans, Dredge Management Plans, and Beneficial Use Determination applications for sediments and waste characterization. She holds a BS in Fishery Biology from Colorado State University. She is currently a Technical Director for Roux (2002-present).
Peconic River Wetland Remediation. 2006. Huhn-Sommo, Kathryn, A. Ludlow, W. Medeiros, and T. Green. New York State Wetlands Forum, Inc. 2006 Annual Conference and Meeting, Syracuse, New York.
Maritime Grassland Creation and Sustainable Bioengineered Shoreline Stabilization (poster). 2014. Sommo, Kathryn, A. Ludlow, D. Flynn. Society for Ecological Restoration, Mid-Atlantic 2014 Annual Conference, Ambler, Pennsylvania, March 25, 2014.
Maritime Grassland Creation and Sustainable Bioengineered Shoreline Stabilization (poster). 2014. Sommo, Kathryn, A. Ludlow, D. Flynn. The Waters We Share, Restoring the NY-NJ Harbor & Estuary: Ensuring Ecosystem Resilience and Sustainability in a Changing Future, Conference, June 3, 2014.
Maritime Grassland Creation and Shoreline Stabilization. 2014. Sommo, Kathryn, A. Ludlow, D. Flynn. Conference on Ecological and Ecosystem Restoration, New Orleans, Louisiana, July 30, 2014.
Incorporating Wildlife Habitat into Water Treatment Areas. 2014. Sommo, Kathryn. Webinar for Wildlife Habitat Council Conservation Academy, August 20, 2014.
Integrating Ecological Elements into Remedial Designs, 2014. Sommo, Kathryn, V. Burrows. 26th Annual Wildlife Habitat Council Symposium, November 11, 2014.
Habitat Enhancement Project Connections along the Atlantic Coastal Flyway 2016. Sommo, Kathryn, Nathan Epler, J. Douglas Reid-Green. Society of Ecological Restoration, Mid-Atlantic 2016 Annual Conference, March 13, 2016.