Justin Kowalkoski, PG, LSRP

Principal Hydrogeologist



Site Assessment, Investigation, and Remediation under State and Federal Programs

Hydrogeology/Complex Bedrock Investigations

Vapor Intrusion Investigations

Environmental Forensics (source identification and timing of release)

Property Transfer Support and Due Diligence


BA, Geology - Colgate University

Justin Kowalkoski, PG, LSRP

Principal Hydrogeologist

Justin Kowalkoski is a Professional Geologist in Pennsylvania and a Licensed Site Remediation Professional in New Jersey with specialties in soil and groundwater site investigation and remediation projects that involve complex hydrogeology/bedrock aquifers, DNAPL, LNAPL, vapor intrusion, PCBs, metals, environmental forensics, and emerging contaminants, as well as due diligence support. He holds a B.A. in Geology from Colgate University and is currently a Principal Hydrogeologist for Roux (2008-present). Mr. Kowalkoski has conducted, managed, or overseen numerous investigations and remediations for a variety of state and federal programs. He has extensive experience in Pennsylvania with Act 2 and HSCA projects, as well as New Jersey ISRA, Spill Act, and UST projects.

representative projects
  • Principal Hydrogeologist and manager for a soil and groundwater investigation for an active industrial facility in New Jersey. Contaminants identified as part of the investigation included metals, SVOCs, and VOCs. Investigation activities included installation of numerous overburden and bedrock monitoring wells for groundwater characterization. Soil investigations included delineation of multiple AOCs, compliance averaging for the attainment of NJDEP’s soil remediation standards, a natural background evaluation that determined select metals were not site-related, technical consultations with NJDEP, and development of site-specific Impact to Groundwater Standards as well as Alternate Remediation Standards for the Migration to Groundwater Pathway. Soil remediation at the Site included excavations and electrical resistance heating (ERH). A vapor intrusion investigation concluded that a pathway was not complete at the Site. An off-site source evaluation was also completed, which determined that 1,4-dioxane was not discharged at the Site, and was approved by the NJDEP.
  • Principal Hydrogeologist for an ISRA soil and groundwater investigation and remediation project for a former manufacturer in the Pinelands region of New Jersey. Metals, PCBs, and VOCs were identified in soil and groundwater at the Site as part of remedial investigation activities, which included off-site groundwater contamination. The Site was subject to both NJDEP regulations in accordance with ISRA, and USEPA regulations in accordance with TSCA for the remediation of PCBs. Remediation included excavation of soil, as well as engineering and institutional controls. Remediation was also subject to the requirements of the Pinelands Comprehensive Management Plan.
  • Project Manager and Lead Geologist for a soil and groundwater investigation for a former industrial facility in New Jersey that was redeveloped as a shopping center. Contaminants identified as part of the investigation were primarily CVOCs. Investigation activities included installation of numerous overburden and bedrock monitoring wells for groundwater characterization, which identified DNAPL on top of bedrock. A soil vapor extraction system was installed based on a vapor intrusion investigation that identified exceedances of NJDEP’s indoor air remediation standards (as well as Rapid Action Levels) in multiple units of the shopping center. Soil investigations included delineation of VOCs and led to a large excavation at the Site. Groundwater remediation activities included injections of zero valent iron to treat both DNAPL and dissolved-phase CVOCs. The final remedy for the Site included engineering (cap) and institutional controls for soil and groundwater.
  • Project Manager for a soil and groundwater investigation for a former industrial facility in southeastern Pennsylvania managed under the PADEP’s HSCA program. Investigation activities included the installation and sampling of numerous overburden and bedrock monitoring wells, soil delineation, forensic analysis of DNAPL for source identification and degradation of VOCs, fate and transport modeling, handling and disposal of hazardous waste, surface water sampling, and a human health risk assessment. A vapor intrusion investigation was conducted, which included indoor air sampling of more than a dozen residential and commercial properties, as well as completion of a risk assessment for indoor air at each property to comply with the PADEP’s Act 2 vapor intrusion guidance under the site-specific standard. In conjunction with the remedial investigation, a feasibility study was completed to evaluate remedial alternatives.

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