Bronx Jail

New York City Department of Design and Construction; New York


New York City’s Borough-Based Jails Program is the result of the City’s commitment to close the jails on Rikers Island and replace them with smaller and more humane jails in four of the five boroughs. The Bronx Jail property is a 4.44-acre parcel that was the location of the former Lincoln Hospital. By 1977, the hospital and all associated structures were demolished, and the demolition debris was buried at the Site. This debris included asbestos-containing material (ACM). Following demolition, the Site was paved and was operated by the New York City Police Department (NYPD) as a tow pound since the early 1990s.

The Design-Build (DB) Team consisting of Roux, Yonkers Contracting Corporation (YCC), Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers (MRCE), and Bohler Engineering (Bohler) submitted and won the Request for Proposal (RFP) issued by the New York City Department of Design and Construction (NYCDDC). Scope Validation was the first phase of work conducted by the DB Team. Roux’s portion of the Scope Validation work consisted of a site-wide geophysical survey, a site-wide radiological gamma walkover survey, installation of 72 soil borings for waste characterization and asbestos sampling, completion of downhole gamma logging in most of the soil borings, and completion of ten test pits for asbestos and radiological delineation.

Following the scope validation phase, full construction commenced, with Roux providing environmental oversight, Community Air Monitoring Program (CAMP), noise monitoring, and perimeter asbestos air monitoring during the construction phase of work. Roux was on-site full time until project completion to provide excavation oversight during the export and handling of all material. Roux is currently being retained on this project for out of scope work involving bedrock removal.

Due to the nature of the Site and the presence of ACM, all ground-intrusive soil work requires those working within the exclusion zone to wear Level C Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The PPE includes Tychem/Tyvek suits, particulate filters, and full- or half-face respirators in addition to standard site PPE.

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The Bronx, New York

Roux Services

Site-wide Geophysical Survey

Installation of Soil Borings

Environmental Oversight

Community Air Monitoring Program

Noise Monitoring

Excavation Oversight

Waste Characterization Sampling



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