Cobalt Risk Assessment

Former Medical Instrument Manufacturing Facility; New Jersey


Roux performed an ecological risk assessment for metals impacts in an emergent freshwater wetland adjacent to a former medical instrument manufacturing facility. Risk assessment services performed for this Site included wetland delineation, wetland sediment sampling, and wildlife dietary modeling to assess the potential risk to ecological receptors for cobalt exposure. Current ecological remedial investigations are ongoing at this Site for additional metals impacts, which include a comprehensive sediment sampling program, updated receptor delineation mapping, supplemental dietary exposure modeling, and negotiation of risk management decisions regarding potential remedial action activities.

Learn more about Industrial Services and Ecological Risk Assessment Services.


Bergen County, New Jersey


Former Medical Instrument Manufacturing Facility

Roux Services

Receptor Evaluation

Habitat Assessment

Sediment Sampling

Surface Water Sampling

Ecological Evaluation

Ecological Remedial Investigation

Ecological Risk Assessment

Dietary Exposure Modeling

Wetland Delineation

Risk Management Decision-Making

Licensed Site Remediation Professional Services



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