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Perrin Conferences Upcoming Events: May-June 2024

Posted on May 22, 2024

Roux partners with Perrin Conferences to deliver knowledgeable webinars on varying topics, as well as providing credited Continuing Education seminars. Perrin Conferences is the leading national provider of joint plaintiff/defendant litigation conferences, setting the standard in professional litigation education and networking. Read about our upcoming sponsorships and speaking events with Perrin below.

Talc Litigation Conference

Chicago, IL | Wednesday, May 29

At 10am, Roux’s Emily Goswami, MS, CIH will be presenting as part of a session on Science and Safety. Presentation topics include the following talc issues: 

  • Recent Research Roundup – a review of the scientific literature related to talc exposure and health risks
  • New issues in testing
  • Genetics
  • MDL Ovarian Cases
  • What’s going on with the new Science Day
  • Update on peer reviewed literature
  • Update on discovery and trial rulings on genetics

Environmental Risk & PFAS Litigation Conference 

New York, NY | Tuesday, June 11 – Wednesday, June 12

For Perrin’s June Environmental Risk & PFAS Litigation Conference, Roux’s Adam Love, PhD will be a conference chair, along with Audrey O. Anyaele, Esq. of Maron Marvel Bradley Anderson & Tardy LLC and Cindy Hunter of The Hartford. 

On Wednesday, June 12, Roux’s Chase Gerbig, PhD, PE and Greg Gaines, JD will be presenting as part of a 8:45am panel entitled PFAS Claims Arriving from All Directions. This panel examines limitations of environmental pollution exclusions for PFAS, PFAS-related claims and how they’re different in nature, the evolution of PFAS risk management, and historical insurance research as a recovery strategy.