Gary R. Horwitch, PE

Technical Director


Contact Information

Phone: (281) 397-3805


Location: Houston, TX


Solid Waste Permitting

Remedial Design Services

Stormwater Management

Plans, Specifications, Contract Documents, Engineers Cost Estimates

Construction Management/CQA Services

Geotechnical Engineering


MS, Civil Engineering, University of Houston

BS, Civil Engineering, Wayne State University

Gary R. Horwitch, PE

Technical Director

Mr. Horwitch has more than forty years of experience in the design and construction of environmental projects. Mr. Horwitch’s expertise involves working primarily on the permitting, design, construction, and certification of municipal, industrial non-hazardous, and hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) facilities.

representative projects
  • Landfills, Treatment, Storage & Disposal, Senior PM, Multiple/Various Locations. Served as the Engineer-of-Record for more than fifty municipal, industrial non-hazardous and hazardous treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) facilities. Managed site selection, permit application preparation, engineering design, and construction. Responsible for liner and leachate collection systems; final cover systems; landfill gas management system design; closure and post closure care plans; operational plans; hydrology, geotechnical, and geo-hydrological services; waste characterization and waste acceptance plans; financial planning (business pro-formas); aspenmix, slurry, and conventional barrier cut-off walls; ground and surface water monitoring plans; needs analysis, Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) and Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPP) and other studies. Also served as the main witness during the technical hearing on the merits for these facilities, which included justifying the design elements in each of these facilities during an official hearing process.
  • Compliance Plans for SPCC, Facility Response & SWPPP, Project Manager – Various Projects. Prepared and certified over 50 Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plans, Facility Response Plans, and SWPPPs for state and Federal National Discharge Pollution Elimination System permits at various landfills, transfer stations, hauling/transportation yards, pipe yards, offshore support facilities, and other operations facilities. Performed annual audits of sites to determine compliance with regulations. Provided documentation and guidance to keep clients in compliance with regulations.
  • SPCC/SWPPP/EERP Combined Plans. Prepared and certified ten separate SPCC, SWPPP, and Environmental Emergency Response Plans (combined document) for a confidential client in North Carolina.
  • SPCC PLANS – Enterprise TE Products Pipeline Company. Prepared and certified various SPCC for various sites located in the State of Arkansas. Plans included initial preparation, revisions due to process changes, and five-year renewals.
  • Drainage System Design/Build, Senior PM, Chemical Facility, Orange, Texas. Managed the hydraulic analysis, design, and design/build for the stormwater and process wastewater for a chemical manufacturing facility in Orange, Texas. Due to facility expansion, the initially designed stormwater management system needed to be replaced with a drainage system capable of managing the selected design storm event, wherein the on-site flooding would be effectively managed during storm events. As part of this project, prepared conceptual drawings of the revised drainage system, detailed engineering drawings, and managed the construction of the drainage improvements using the firm’s in-house construction company.

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