George A. Tyers, PG

Principal Hydrogeologist



Site Investigation and Remediation

Insurance Claim Evaluation

Cost Analyses of Environmental Projects

Environmental Forensics


MS, Earth and Space Sciences - State University of New York at Stony Brook

BS, Geology - Southampton College, L.I.U.

George A. Tyers, PG

Principal Hydrogeologist

Mr. Tyers is a licensed Professional Geologist with over thirty-five years of professional and environmental consulting experience. He has conducted or directed a broad range of site investigations and remediation projects at retail gasoline service stations, dry cleaning facilities, and various commercial and industrial properties. His experience includes environmental pollutants such as petroleum hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, toxic metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and manufactured gas plant (MGP) wastes in both soil and groundwater. Mr. Tyers holds a BS degree from Southampton College, and MS degree from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He is currently a Principal Hydrogeologist for Roux.


For the past fifteen years, Mr. Tyers has assisted insurance companies and legal counsel with regards to pollution claims including source and timing evaluations, forensic investigations, damage assessments, cost reviews, estimating, and litigation support including retention as an expert witness.

representative projects
  • Consulting expert for insurance carriers for hundreds of claims nationwide impacted by petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents. Provided expert reports and assisted in settlement negotiations. Provided independent estimates of future costs, allocation of costs for sites with multiple potentially responsible parties (PRPs), and opinions on the reasonableness of past expenditures.
  • Conducted remedial investigation and remediation activities at a Long Island former dry cleaning facility designated as a New York State Class 2 Inactive Hazardous Waste Site. Prepared remedial investigation and remedial measures work plans, reports, and managed field activities including test pits; installation of soil borings and monitoring wells; soil and groundwater sampling; laboratory coordination; and removal of impacted soil. Assisted in the design of a soil vapor extraction system and coordinated the installation, start-up, and management of system operations through closure.
  • Principal-in-Charge for the investigation and remediation of former gas station in Smithtown, New York. Responsibilities included evaluating historical analytical data, overseeing the collection of additional soil and groundwater data to characterize the nature and extent of contamination, and assisting in the design and implementation of an in situ-enhanced bioremediation program and soil vapor extraction (SVE) system. The NYSDEC Spill Case closure was obtained based on a risk evaluation of residual contamination documented in an exposure assessment, prepared in accordance with NYSDEC guidelines.
  • Principal Hydrogeologist for the investigation and remediation of a gasoline spill site in a complex bedrock setting at a former bus garage and gas station in New Jersey. Contaminants included petroleum hydrocarbons and the gasoline additives MTBE and TBA. Pneumatic fracturing and hydraulic injection of sand slurry was conducted to increase permeability of the contaminated formation. Remediation of the Site was performed using bioremediation technology via a closed loop groundwater re-circulation system.
  • Cost analysis associated with a fire and remediation at a chemical fertilizer facility in eastern Pennsylvania. Reviewed more than $15 million in invoices and allocated costs according to specified categories such as investigation, remediation, on-site, off-site, restoration, legal, undocumented costs, and costs unrelated to environmental activities.
  • Conducted site investigations at more than 100 retail petroleum service stations and commercial UST spill sites. Assisted in the design and installation of several remedial technologies including soil vapor extraction (SVE), air sparging, chemical oxidation, and natural attenuation monitoring.
  • Expert witness retained to evaluate contribution of contamination resulting from a leaking storage tank system at a gasoline service station in Brooklyn, New York, and to evaluate past and projected remediation costs. Provided ongoing settlement support to counsel and presented technical arguments at mediation conference.
  • Evaluated environmental damages arising from a release of hydraulic fluid from an electric power transmission line.
  • Bill Wolf Petroleum Corp. v. Laretco Company, Inc., Larry E. Tyree Co., Inc., et al.; Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Nassau; Index No. 15168/11.

  • Allstate NJ Insurance Company v. Marusia Cuellar. Superior Court of New Jersey Chancery Division: Hudson County. Docket No. HUD C-51-10.