Inside Roux

Take a look "Inside Roux" with news on our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) charitable events, exclusive newsletters, and company updates including new service area announcements, project spotlights, and more.

Showing articles: Inside Roux

CSR Spotlight: Best Buddies International Friendship Walk

August 16, 2019
Our Long Beach, California office participated in the Best Buddies International Annual Friendship Walk earlier this year. Best Buddies International creates opportunities for community, mentorship, integrated employment, and inclusive living for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). The IDD...

CSR Spotlight: New York Events

June 07, 2019
In the past month, our New York headquarters took part in three different corporate social responsibility events where we gave back to our community. In late April, some of our team members ran the 9/11 Memorial & Museum 5K Run/Walk,...

CSR Spotlight: Earth Day Litter Cleanup

May 20, 2019
Last month, several Roux employees from our Oak Brook, Illinois office volunteered at the Burlington Park Forest Preserve located in Naperville, Illinois. Burlington Park Forest Preserve in Naperville is a 51.5-acre woodland adjacent to the West Branch DuPage River. The goal...

CSR Spotlight: Roux Volunteers to Support North Brooklyn Angels

April 08, 2019
Roux teamed with one of our major clients to support the North Brooklyn Angels, donating one of our work vans to support their food delivery efforts in addition to contributing to their First Annual Luncheon. The Luncheon raised enough funds to support...

CSR Spotlight: STEM in the Classroom

October 12, 2018
Roux's New York headquarters hosted a fundraiser to support STEM in the classroom last month. The office collected donations for different platforms on, which provides a forum for teachers to receive funding for various classroom experiences. In addition to donating,...

CSR Spotlight: Unexpected Rescue

October 25, 2017
One of our many Northeast Brownfields Sites has been home to redevelopment, as well as an unexpected rescue. The Site is approximately 12-acres—the future home of a large enclosed regional mall with four above-grade retail levels and two sub-grade parking...

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