Inside Roux

Take a look "Inside Roux" with news on our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) charitable events, exclusive newsletters, and company updates including new service area announcements, project spotlights, and more.

Showing articles: Inside Roux

CSR Spotlight: Charlie’s Champs Charity Softball Tournament

April 04, 2024
Roux supported the first ever Charlie's Champs Charity Softball tournament earlier this year. The tournament was held in Burbank, California at George Izay Park and was hosted by Senior Engineer Matthew Nelson and his family to raise money for the...

Roux Office Spotlight: Southern California

March 14, 2024
Roux Southern California was established in 2011. Our goal from day one was to bring people with diverse backgrounds together who were aligned with our culture of providing solutions to complex challenges. Today, we have two offices in Southern California—Burbank...

CSR Spotlight: Roux 9th Annual Fundraiser

October 18, 2023
In late September, Roux held our 9th Annual Fundraiser at Croxley’s Ale House in Farmingdale. This year, our fundraiser benefited Christodora: Nature, Learning, Leadership. Christodora has served under-resourced communities across New York City for over 125 years. They provide opportunities for...

CSR Spotlight: Engineers Without Borders, Rwanda Build

August 22, 2023
For the past several months, Roux’s James Smyth, Senior Engineer at our New York headquarters, has been working with Engineers Without Borders (EWB), a non-profit organization dedicated to improving lives around the world through engineering projects. James is working with...

CSR Spotlight: BuildOn School Build in Malawi, Africa

August 17, 2023
This past June, Drew Kaplan, Staff Engineer at Roux’s New York headquarters office, had the opportunity to spend a week in Malawi to help build a primary school. Malawi is a country of extreme poverty in southeast Africa. “It was...

Regenesis Rising Star Employee Spotlight: April McGuire

August 07, 2023
April McGuire, a Senior Engineer in Roux's Long Beach, California office, was recognized as a Rising Star by Regenesis. As a valued client and partner, Regenesis conducted an interview with April to showcase her experience within the world of environmental...

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