News & Events

Through Roux’s News & Events, we share relevant industry news, regulatory updates, upcoming webinars and conferences, articles published by our experts, corporate social responsibility events, monthly newsletters, project and market sector information, and much more. Browse through our latest posts below.

Showing articles: News & Events

Roux & Perrin Conferences: PFAS Litigation Events

February 08, 2024
Roux has partnered with Perrin Conferences to deliver knowledgeable webinars on varying topics, as well as providing credited Continuing Education seminars. Perrin Conferences is the leading national provider of joint plaintiff/defendant litigation conferences, setting the standard in professional litigation education...

Publicis and State Attorneys General Reach $350 Million Opioid Settlement

February 07, 2024
By Brian MacLeod On February 1, Publicis Health and 50 states, along with many US territories, settled for $350 million to settle a lawsuit over Publicis' role in exasperating the opioid crisis via their work with Purdue Pharma. Starting in...

Increased Cancer Risk at Camp Lejeune from Contaminated Water

February 07, 2024
By Nicole LaPlante A newly released study found military and civilian personnel stationed at Camp Lejeune from 1953 to 1985 had higher risks for certain cancers. Conducted by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), sister agency to...

Introducing Claims Management & Litigation Data Solutions

February 05, 2024
Third-party Administration Claim Services to Help Insurers and Corporations Manage Litigation Risk For more than 40 years, Roux has provided consulting support from a wide array of technical services to help clients understand and manage both legacy and emerging environmental...

Increased Opportunity to Develop Massachusetts Housing

January 29, 2024
Massachusetts, particularly the Boston metro area, is being impacted by a housing crisis. The population, and particularly the population of young adults, has decreased since 2020, partially due to the high cost of housing in eastern Massachusetts. Development of multi-family and...

Complimentary Webinar: Lead is Back! Updates on New Exposure Issues, Regulations, & Litigation

January 18, 2024
Lead (Pb) has been an occupational and environmental chemical of concern for hundreds of years. Now, it's back on the minds of litigators and regulators. We will investigate the science related to lead toxicology, biomonitoring, and human health risk; review emerging exposure issues; and examine occupational, product, and environmental regulations/litigation trends.