Presentations & Publications

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Showing articles: Presentations & Publications

Complimentary Webinar: Environmental Compliance Amidst A Health Crisis

April 23, 2020
Environmental Compliance Amidst a Health Crisis: Essential Cleanup Sites, Key Reporting Requirements, and Managing the Aftermath Presented by David G. Dixon & Robert Kovacs of Roux and George H. Buermann & John F. Parker of Goldberg Segalla Thursday, May 14...

Complimentary Article: Bankruptcy Actions Involving Environmental Legacy Portfolios

April 16, 2020
Bankruptcy Actions Involving Environmental Legacy Portfolios Written Roux's Neil M. Ram, Ph.D., Chase A. Gerbig, Ph.D., and Nancy Nevins, P.G., LSP This article, published by the Environmental Law Reporter, reviews the legal and environmental issues in bankruptcy matters involving: (1)...

Can Co-mingled Plumes be Divisible Under CERCLA?

April 07, 2020
New CERCLA Ruling Affirms Divisibility and Apportionment of Co-mingled Groundwater Plume There are a limited number of CERCLA divisibility rulings on the books, and even fewer where the courts affirmed divisibility of harm. Last week, the US District Court in...

Roux Webinar: Navigating Business Interruption Claims from the COVID-19 Pandemic

April 03, 2020
Navigating Business Interruption Claims from the COVID-19 Pandemic Presented by Ryan Stifter, M.S. of Roux and Michael A. Hamilton of Goldberg Segalla Wednesday, April 15th at 1pm EDT Property & Casualty insurers expect the COVID-19 pandemic to generate 30 million...

Roux Webinar – Split the Check, Please: Dividing Cleanup Costs Among Responsible Parties

March 12, 2020
Split the Check, Please: Dividing Cleanup Costs Among Responsible Parties Presented by Chase Gerbig, Ph.D. and Adam Love, Ph.D. Thursday, March 26th at 1pm EDT Allocating costs for hazardous waste site cleanup among potentially responsible parties is unique to the...

Published Article: Legacy PCB Building Remediation

March 11, 2020
Legacy PCB Building Remediation Written by Martin J. Hamper, P.G., Director at Roux Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) came onto the scene as an environmental threat quickly after they were discovered in humans and wildlife by Jensen in 1966. Prior to 1971,...

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