Presentations & Publications

Through Roux’s News & Events, we share relevant industry news, regulatory updates, upcoming webinars and conferences, articles published by our experts, corporate social responsibility events, monthly newsletters, project and market sector information, and much more. Browse through our latest posts below.

Showing articles: Presentations & Publications

What’s New with Roux? Spring 2023 Upcoming Events

April 17, 2023
Catch up on our latest webinars, sponsorships, and speaking events featuring Roux's esteemed experts.

Complimentary Webinar – Into the Unknown: Mitigating Subsurface Condition Risks in Site Evaluation/Development

April 12, 2023
In this webinar, members of Roux and Simpson Gumpertz & Heger (SGH) aim to deconstruct the risks associated with the underground world from the environmental, geotechnical, site-civil, and drainage perspectives; identify some common pitfalls; and make a case for the earlier engagement of a consultant team and a more holistic approach to site evaluation and development from the initial planning stages.

Published Article: Floristic Patterns and Conservation Values of Mojave and Sonoran Desert Springs in California

February 01, 2023
Authored by Roux's Andy Zdon, P.G., CEG, CHG, Naomi S. Fraga (California Botanic Garden), Brian S. Cohen & Sophie S. Parker (The Nature Conservancy), and Maura Palacios Mejia (Mount San Antonio College)

In the face of a rapidly changing climate, spring-fed habitats are increasingly vulnerable to numerous threats.

Published Article – Charging Ahead: Understanding the Potential Risks and Management Options for Battery Systems

January 05, 2023
This paper seeks to identify the primary risks at each stage of a battery's life cycle and understand how such risks are managed for the unique chemistries and operations. 

Complimentary Webinar – Forever Young, Forever Chemicals? PFAS in Cosmetics: Health and Litigation Risks

November 18, 2022
Please join Catherine (Catie) Boston, DABT, MPH and Emily Goswami, M.S., CIH of Roux and Alexandra B. Cunningham, Esq. of Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP to answer your toxicology, exposure, and legal questions related to PFAS in cosmetics.

Complimentary Webinar: The Tide is Rising on Harmful Algal Blooms

November 16, 2022
The frequency of harmful algal blooms (HABs) in both fresh water and coastal saltwater locations has increased over the last few decades as the waters have been subjected to watershed urbanization, nutrient pollution, and rising temperatures.

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