Presentations & Publications

Through Roux’s News & Events, we share relevant industry news, regulatory updates, upcoming webinars and conferences, articles published by our experts, corporate social responsibility events, monthly newsletters, project and market sector information, and much more. Browse through our latest posts below.

Showing articles: Presentations & Publications

Complimentary Webinar: The Tide is Rising on Harmful Algal Blooms

November 16, 2022
The frequency of harmful algal blooms (HABs) in both fresh water and coastal saltwater locations has increased over the last few decades as the waters have been subjected to watershed urbanization, nutrient pollution, and rising temperatures.

Published Article on Characteristics in Springs of the California Desert

November 07, 2022
Roux continues to spearhead an understanding of California’s desert ecosystems. In our most recent publication, we examined the similarity of ecohydrological characteristics for a broad suite of previously investigated springs, requiring integration of multiple lines of evidence from diverse disciplines.

Published Article: An Update on County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund

October 27, 2022
The 2020 court case, County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund, was pivotal in refining how pollutant discharges to groundwater and subsequently to waters of the United States (WOTUS) are regulated. Subsequent cases and administrative policy changes have added uncertainty to the very definition of WOTUS and requirements for water and wastewater treatment facilities.

Complimentary Webinar – Lose the Liabilities: Insurance for Property Transactions/Site Redevelopment

October 26, 2022
Please join us to discuss the potential barriers faced by property sellers, purchasers, and developers when selling, buying, and/or developing previously impacted sites, and how site pollution insurance can be structured to act as a tool to facilitate the transaction and future development.

Published Article – Microplastics: Liability and Scientific Uncertainty

September 27, 2022
The buzz around microplastics continues—Roux's Catherine Boston, MPH, DABT and Megan Baroni, Partner at Robinson+Cole, have collaborated to publish an in-depth analysis of environmental issues and associated legal implications.

Complimentary Article: The Effectiveness of an Artificial Floating Wetland to Remove Nutrients in an Urban Stream

June 27, 2022
Complimentary Article The Effectiveness of an Artificial Floating Wetland to Remove Nutrients in an Urban Stream: A Pilot-Study in the Chicago River, Chicago, IL USA Written by Emmett Spooner of Roux, Eric W. Peterson, & Abigail Heath Ever-expanding urbanized landscapes...