Frank Cherena to Speak on ABA Environmental Transactions Masterclass
Friday, September 22 The American Bar Association (ABA) is holding an Environmental Transactions Masterclass focusing on Hot Topics and Emerging Issues for 2023 and Beyond in Chicago, Illinois. This Masterclass is for the experienced transactional lawyer who wants to stay abreast of emerging environmental issues, the latest in environmental due diligence standards, evolving sustainability directives, and best practices for environmental risk identification, management & allocation.
Roux’s Frank Cherena, PG, LEP will speak on the morning panel entitled Is This a Do-Able Deal? How to Assess, Design, and Start the Documentation for a Transaction with Potential Environmental Issues or Concerns. This panel will address the nature of, and documentation for, the transaction itself; what kind of parties will participate; party- and facility-centric pr-ediligence investigative steps; whether the parties or the deal invites environmental justice or ESG scrutiny; and potential purchase and sale drafting points. This panel will help assess the business case for whether a deal is worth doing, and if so, how best to get it done.