Kathryn Sommo Joins A Discussion of DEC’s New Freshwater Wetlands Regulations
Thursday, January 16 – Friday, January 17 The New York State Bar Association’s (NYSBA) Environmental & Energy Law Section Annual Meeting, “2025: A Whole New World?” entails two days of CLE programs, receptions, and luncheons.
On Friday, January 17, Roux’s Kathryn Sommo will speak on A Discussion of DEC’s New Freshwater Wetlands Regulations from 9:30am-10:20am Eastern at the New York Hilton Midtown Gramercy, Second Floor. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)’s new regulations will protect an estimated one million additional acres of wetland habitat and implement changes to the Freshwater Wetlands Program. This session offers 1.0 CLE credit in areas of professional practice.
Ms. Sommo will be joined by the following speakers:
- Moderator: Jessica S. Albin, Esq. | Senior Counsel, NYC Department of Sanitation, New York, NY
- Roy Jacobson | Head of the Habitat Protection Section, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, NY
- Robert O’Connor, Esq. | Assistant Regional Attorney, Region 3, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, NY