Emily Goswami, MS, CIH

Principal Scientist


Contact Information

Phone: (415) 967-6000

Email: egoswami@rouxinc.com

Location: Oakland, CA

LinkedIn Profile


Environmental and Occupational Exposure Assessment

Human Health Risk Assessment

Toxic Tort Evaluations

Consumer Product Stewardship

California’s Proposition 65 Evaluations

Indoor Air Quality

Exposure Reconstruction

Expert Witness Work


MS, Environmental Health, University of Washington

BA, Environmental Science, University of California at Berkeley

Emily Goswami, MS, CIH

Principal Scientist

Ms. Goswami is a Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) with over twenty years of experience in assessing exposures and potential health risks to chemicals and agents in the environment, workplace, and consumer products. She has served as technical lead and expert on numerous projects including toxic tort evaluations, consumer product stewardship, and indoor air quality. These projects have included a variety of chemicals and agents including asbestos, talc, mold, lead, other metals, phthalates, benzene, volatile organic chemicals, and more. She has also designed and conducted exposure reconstruction studies to evaluate exposures to current and historic products. Ms. Goswami has served as an expert witness in industrial hygiene in a variety of litigation matters.

representative projects
  • Complex Solvent Exposure Calculator: Developed exposure calculator tool for a consortium of global manufacturers so that each manufacturer can enter their product’s specific parameters and determine the theoretical consumer exposure levels to solvents in finished products based on multiple use scenarios which included dermal, inhalation, and ingestion pathways. Each manufacturer was able to quickly determine the margins of safety for their products to determine whether they need to be reformulated.
  • California’s Proposition 65: Evaluated numerous types of products for compliance with California’s Proposition 65 (Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986) and other regulations. Products included children’s items, personal care products, clothing, containers, food, and more. Designed and conducted studies to determine potential exposures. Chemicals included metals, volatile organic compounds, phthalates, bisphenols, and more. Developed benchmarks for comparison including No Significant Risk Levels and Maximum Allowable Dose Levels.
  • Asbestos Litigation: Retained as an expert witness in litigation related to asbestos in automotive friction products, wires/cables, gaskets, packing, other industrial products, and cosmetic talc products. Evaluated Plaintiffs’ potential exposures from asbestos-containing products as well as alternative exposures. Provided expert reports and deposition testimony.
  • Claudia Smith v. Avon Products, Inc., et al. Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County. Deposition testimony. 2024.

  • Thelma Massey et al. v. 3M Company, et al. Superior Court of California, Ventura County. Deposition testimony. 2024.

  • Buqi Guo et al. v. Sika Corporation et al. Superior Court of California, Orange County. Trial and deposition testimony. 2023.

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