Haley Kmetz, PG, LSRP

Principal Hydrogeologist



Environmental Due Diligence for Property Transactions

New Jersey Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA) Compliance

Development and Management of Soil, Groundwater, and Vapor Intrusion Investigation/Remediation Activities

Hydrogeology/Complex Bedrock Investigations

Investigation and Remediation of Bulk Storage Petroleum Terminals

Technical Support and Cost Review Associated with Environmental Liabilities for Insurance Claims


MS, Geology - Temple University

BS, Earth and Environmental Sciences - Lehigh University

Haley Kmetz, PG, LSRP

Principal Hydrogeologist

Ms. Kmetz is a New Jersey Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) and Professional Geologist in Pennsylvania and Delaware. She holds a BS in Earth and Environmental Science from Lehigh University and an MS in Geology from Temple University, where her studies focused on contaminant transport in fractured bedrock. Ms. Kmetz’s career has grown with Roux, where she began with internships while completing her graduate studies. Her projects to date have included conducting, managing, or overseeing investigations and remediations at many sites across the northeast, including Pennsylvania with Act 2 and Hazardous Sites Cleanup Act (HSCA) projects, as well as Delaware Hazardous Substance Cleanup Act, New Jersey Industrial Site Recovery Act (ISRA), and Spill Act projects. In addition, Ms. Kmetz has performed due diligence across the United States. Additional expertise includes development and implementation of soil and groundwater investigation (including emerging contaminants such as PFAS and 1,4-dioxane), remediation activities, groundwater fate and transport, and due diligence support associated with asset acquisitions.

representative projects
  • Project Manager assisting a client with the acquisition of a former steel manufacturing plant in Piscataway, New Jersey. Responsibilities included completion of initial due diligence support, assigning environmental liability costs to allow the client to negotiate with the seller and providing design, and management and direction for the remediation of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (CVOCs) in groundwater and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in soil. Additional activities included the development of a 3D conceptual site model (CSM) for complex geological framework at the Site and implementation of in situ chemical reduction of CVOC-impacted groundwater in fractured bedrock by pnuematically enhancing the fractured bedrock and injecting 400,000 pounds of carbon and zero-valent iron (ZVI) substrate as deep as 130 feet below ground surface (bgs). PDI and remedial activities were implemented within strict a one-year timeline to meet proposed future redevelopment of the property.
  • Project Manager for a large bulk storage petroleum terminal in Linden, New Jersey. Primary responsibilities included the investigation of approximately 155 separate discharges ranging from 25 gallons of diesel fuel up to 7,000 gallons of transmix (diesel fuel, gasoline, and jet fuel). Additional responsibilities include the active recovery of light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL), and remediation of soil and groundwater impacts. Soil and groundwater impacts are commingled with the previous property owner and technical support is provided on a regular basis to the client for defense of liabilities relating to new versus historic release.
  • Project Manager associated with assisting a client with the acquisition of an 80-acre former lube plant operating since the 1800s in Bayonne, New Jersey. Responsibilities included completion of initial due diligence support; assigning environmental liability costs to allow the client to negotiate with the seller and providing design; and management and direction for the multi-million-dollar remediation, focusing on the treatment of extractable petroleum hydrocarbons (EPH) in soil, LNAPL, and associated dissolved-phase constituents in groundwater. Additional activities included investigation and remediation of PAHs, heavy metals, PCBs (regulated under both New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection [NJDEP] and United States Environmental Protection Agency [USEPA] Toxic Substance Control Act), and VOCs in soil, along with PFAS, PAHs, heavy metals, and VOCs in groundwater. Remedial activities consisted of excavation of LNAPL-impacted material for off-site disposal and implementation of in situ stabilization to treat approximately 400,000 cubic yards of LNAPL-impacted material as deep as 23 feet bgs.
  • Project Manager for the remedial investigation and remedial action on a former steel mill site in Northern Delaware with seven different operable units spanning over 420 acres. Contaminants consisted of heavy metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), PCBs, and pesticide soil contamination from historic facility operations. The Site was located adjacent to a major body of water, resulting in several ecological concerns from local government agencies, which therefore required an investigation designed to characterize multi-media contamination. Data evaluation included calculating 95% concentrations using the ProUCL Model provided by the USEPA and was incorporated into the USEPA’s Risk Assessment Information System (RAIS) model of current and future site scenarios for potential exposure to contaminants, ultimately negating human risk. Completion of the remediation investigation and remedial action for most of the operable units was granted by the regulatory agency (except those pending final implementation of remedial action).
  • Project Manger associated with assisting client with the acquisition of a bulk storage petroleum terminal in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Responsibilities included completion of initial due diligence support, assigning environmental liability costs to allow the client to negotiate with the seller, demolition support, oversight of million-gallon bulk storage aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) and providing design, and management and direction for the remediation of VOCs in groundwater and LNAPL in soil. The Site is managed under both the Pennsylvania Act 2 – Land Recycling Program and Act 32 – Storage Tank and Spill Prevention Act. Remedial activities consisted of hot-spot excavation to address LNAPL impacts, long-term groundwater monitoring, and establishment of institutional controls at the Site.
  • Remediation of Chlorinated Solvent Plume in Fractured Bedrock via Pneumatically-Enhanced Injections of Zero-Valent Iron and Carbon Substrate, Twelfth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, Palm Springs, California, 2022.

  • Using Fracture Flow Modeling to Understand the Effectiveness of Pump and Treat Remediation in Dual Permeability Media, 2015.

  • Paleo-stream competency as a test of distributary fluvial system model: Upper Devonian Catskill Formation, Central Pennsylvania, Geological Society of America Northeastern Meeting, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, 2015.

  • Importance of Matrix Diffusion in Remediation Pumping: Sensitivity Analysis of Fracture Geometry and Matrix Parameters, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, 2014.

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