Contact Information
Phone: (781) 569-4000
Location: Burlington, MA
Design & Evaluation of Engineering Remedies
In Situ Treatment
Vapor Mitigation Systems
Environmental Compliance
Environmental Data Analysis
MS, Environmental Engineering University of Massachusetts – Lowell
BA, Environmental Policy and Analysis, Boston University
Mr. Freeman is a Massachusetts Licensed Site Professional (LSP); a registered Professional Engineer (PE) in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New Hampshire; and maintains the National Radon Proficiency Program (NRPP) radon measurement, mitigation, and radon-resistant new construction certification. Mr. Freeman’s expertise includes environmental engineering; site investigation; remediation; environmental permitting; and compliance for stormwater, wastewater, and air emissions. Mr. Freeman has worked on a wide variety of projects and has successfully conducted remediation for releases of chlorinated solvents, metals, petroleum, LNAPL/DNAPL, VOCs, SVOCs, PAHs, PCBs, reactive and hazardous waste, and sub-slab and indoor air contamination. Projects for which Mr. Freeman has provided environmental services have ranged from small residential releases, gasoline stations, and dry cleaners, to large industrial operations, off-shore oil spills, and multi-acre brownfield projects undergoing development.