Larry Lew, PhD, PG

Principal Geologist


Contact Information

Phone: (281) 397-3805


Location: Houston, TX


Multi-media Environmental Compliance Support and Permitting (e.g., Water and Waste Management)

Compliance Auditing

Soil and Groundwater Assessment and Remediation

Merger and Acquisition Related Due Diligence

Financial Analyses of Environmental Liabilities


PhD, Geology - The Pennsylvania State University

MS, Geology - The Pennsylvania State University

BA, Environmental Science/Geology - Wesleyan University

Larry Lew, PhD, PG

Principal Geologist

Dr. Lew is a geologist with over 38 years of overseas and domestic, practical, and academic experience. Dr. Lew has extensive experience in assembling, managing, and working with multi-disciplinary teams on large, complex projects in the US and Latin America. Dr. Lew has provided soil and groundwater remediation and regulatory compliance services to the oil and gas, petrochemical, and manufacturing market sectors. He has managed remediation projects that have led to closure of numerous sites. Additional projects he has worked on have involved RCRA permitting; water and waste compliance; and compliance auditing of large, complex facilities, including utility companies, pipeline companies, petrochemical companies, waste management companies, oil and gas upstream, midstream and down stream facilities, manufacturers, lawyers, developers, real estate brokers, insurance companies, banks, and government agencies. He has regulatory experience with NEPA, FERC, RCRA, CERCLA, NPDES, SPCC, SWPP, CWA, and SDWA, and in negotiating with State and Federal regulatory agencies.

representative projects
  • Developing and Negotiating Acceptance of Performance-based, RCRA Permits. Successfully negotiated acceptance of regulatory approaches using performance-based compliance plans, resulting in savings of tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars at three refineries and several petrochemical plants.
  • Redevelopment of Pesticide Blending Plant to Luxury Hotel. Innovative waste characterization saved $19 million in redevelopment of the Redwood Chemical (former pesticide blending plat) brownfields site into the downtown Houston Convention Center Hotel (Hilton Americas). Successful negotiations with TCEQ VCP Program Manager achieved acceptance of innovative waste characterization scheme and achieved a Certificate of Completion in less than 6 months. Site remediation was achieved without delay of fast-paced site redevelopment construction schedule.
  • Directed Environmental Program for Construction of the International Terminal at Hobby Airport. Acted as a major airline representative for environmental issues at Hobby Airport. Directed the program for remedial actions and compliance related to construction of the new Hobby International Terminal.
  • Conducted Due Diligence and Financial Evaluation of EHS Liabilities for Multibillion-dollar Bakery Acquisitions. Developed approach and built and trained team to evaluate 47 factories in 24 states, as well as over 2,000 depots across the US in less than one month. Identified EHS compliance issues, regulatory issues, remediation liabilities, and estimated costs to achieve compliance and associated life-cycle costs of programs. Recommended risk management strategies and applied approach for second acquisition of another company with 22 factories and hundreds of depots in nine states.
  • Conducted Due Diligence for Acquisition of Oil and Gas Assets, including Production Wells, Pipelines, and Gas Plants. Conducted ten due diligence projects for acquisition of active oil and gas assets in Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Kansas, Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, and Pennsylvania.
  • Refinery Acquisitions. Conducted due diligence, compliance audits, and analyses of EHS financial liabilities for acquisitions of eight refineries in five states and Puerto Rico. Identified current and likely future air, water, and waste compliance issues; evaluated remediation issues; and estimated costs of achieving and maintaining compliance, including life-cycle costs. Recommended potential risk management and mitigation strategies.

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