Soil and Groundwater Investigation and Remediation Projects
Fractured and Karst Bedrock Investigations
Fate and Transport Analytical and Numerical Modeling
Development of Site-specific Soil Standards
Monitored Natural Attenuation Evaluations
Design and Analysis of Aquifer Pumping Tests
BS, Earth Sciences, Specializing in Geosciences - Penn State University
Michael Gonshor is a Principal Hydrogeologist at Roux with over thirty-nine years of experience in the environmental consulting industry. Mr. Gonshor holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Earth Sciences with a specialization in Geosciences from Penn State and is a Licensed Site Remediation Professional (LSRP) in New Jersey and a Licensed Professional Geologist (PG) in Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Mr. Gonshor has conducted numerous investigation and remediation projects for industrial, brownfields redevelopment, and petroleum sites as an LSRP in New Jersey and as a Principal Hydrogeologist and P.G. in Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and other states. Mr. Gonshor has extensive experience at sites involving chlorinated solvents, petroleum constituents, metals, and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCS) in soil and in groundwater, in fractured bedrock, and unconsolidated formations. Mr. Gonshor also has extensive experience in conducting fate and transport evaluations using analytical and numerical models. Mr. Gonshor served on the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s (NJDEP) Impact to Groundwater Committee with NJDEP personnel and other stakeholders to update, expand, and revise guidance documents for determination of site-specific impact to groundwater standards.