Paul W. Werthman, PG

Technical Director


Contact Information

Phone: (716) 856-0599


Location: Buffalo, NY


Remedial Investigation & Remediation

Health and Safety

NYS Brownfield Cleanup Program

Soil Excavation & Management


BS, Geology - State University of New York at Buffalo

Paul W. Werthman, PG

Technical Director

Mr. Werthman is a registered Professional Geologist in New York with over eighteen years of experience covering various aspects of the environmental field. His experience includes implementation and management of complex investigations involving Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs), Remedial Investigations, and a variety of remedial actions/mitigations, including cover systems, in situ injections, groundwater/vapor extraction, soil excavation, environmental assessment, and remediation. This work entails a focus on environmental consulting services for commercial, industrial, and brownfield redevelopment sites and spill incident projects. Mr. Werthman has experience with the operation of heavy equipment, heavy equipment training, and safety.

representative projects
  • Tonawanda Terminal Site. Facility Manager of a Solid Waste Landfill in New York. Activities included operation and management of a 13-acre bioremediation facility where volatile organic compound (VOC) -impacted soils were received/bioremediated. When verification sampling was performed, proving impacts were removed to unrestricted use criteria, the soil could then be used as a source of clean backfill.
  • Remediation Projects. Manager/oversight for many remedial projects, mostly in regulatory programs, involving various remediation approaches including excavation, tank pulls, product recovery/vacuum extraction, injection activities, in addition to construction of temporary biotreatment facilities (TBTF).
  • 348 Langner Road Site. Management/oversight of the remedial activities at a 2.6-acre Brownfields Cleanup Program (BCP) site with significant VOC and semi-volatile organic compound (SVOC) impacts at a carwash, fueling station, and a service station located at 348 Langner Road in West Seneca, NY. Field responsibilities included subcontractor oversight; underground storage tank removal; off-site bioremediation of approximately 10,000 tons of petroleum-impacted soil; demolition oversight of the former convenience store, pump island, and canopy; and delineation and confirmatory soil sampling, community air monitoring, surveying activities, and truck manifesting for off-site disposal of impacted material.
  • 3100 Clinton Street Site. Implemented the remedial work at the 3100 Clinton Street Site (BCP Site) as an Interim Remedial Measure (IRM) to promptly mitigate risks to public health and the environment and expedite the redevelopment schedule. The IRM included clearing and grubbing an approximately 10-acre area; excavation and off-site disposal of SVOCs and metals-impacted nonhazardous soil/fill; removal and disposal of old railroad ties; management of contaminated excavation water and stormwater; collection of post excavation samples; management/import of off-site sources of backfill soil, including structural fill required for geotechnical purposes; and construction of a New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) DER-10 compliant cover system. The cleanup was completed during the COVID-19 pandemic as an “essential project” over the winter months to allow for construction of the facility in the spring of 2021.

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