Sediment Management Services

Using a Multi-criteria Framework to Define Sustainable Sediment Solutions

Roux provides a wide array of sediment management services designed to meet the diverse needs of environmental projects. Roux’s sediment experts have extensive experience in all phases at many of the country’s large, complex sediment remediation sites, and sediment projects are supported by Roux’s unparalleled expertise in characterization, remediation, and strategic support in adjacent uplands.

As part of our approach to sediment management, Roux always focuses on the big picture but never neglects the details, with the goal of being as effective as possible in client advocacy in every phase of the project. Linking programmatic considerations with comprehensive site information—including point and non-point sources, regional background, and the complex impacts of contaminant transport, comingling, and weathering inherent in sediment sites—is the foundation for our strategic approach.

Roux leverages our extensive expertise in risk analysis, remediation, forensic source assessment, economic damages, and remedial cost modeling to quantify environmental liabilities and determine cost allocation responsibility among potentially responsible parties. Our advanced, scientifically defensible methodologies empower clients to make informed decisions with confidence.

At Roux, client satisfaction and project success are our top priorities. Our multi-disciplinary team collaborates closely with clients to understand their specific needs and goals, tailoring solutions accordingly. We have the expertise and technical know-how to deliver innovative solutions in even the most dynamic, technical, and socially challenging environments.

Areas of Expertise
  • Programmatic Strategic, Regulatory, and Risk Management  
  • Dredged Material Management and Beneficial Use 
  • Sediment Remedial Investigations  
  • Sediment Remedy Design and Construction  
  • Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessments  
  • Natural Resource Damage Assessment Support  
  • Forensic Source Identification and Apportionment 
  • Remedy Cost Allocation and Cost Recovery  
  • Litigation and Expert Witness Support 
  • Wetland Delineations