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Complimentary Panel Event – Environmental Due Diligence: Scary Unknowns and Tricks or Treats

Posted on October 19, 2021

Complimentary Panel Event

Environmental Due Diligence: Scary Unknowns and Tricks or Treats

Presented by Mitchell A. Wiest, P.G., LEP and Eric R. Allon of Bernkopf Goodman LLP

Thursday, October 28th at 1-2pm EDT

Environmental Due Diligence is often the final step in real estate transactions or is overlooked entirely. However, when proper inquires and investigations are left to the last minute, rushed, or bypassed entirely, new owners or tenants may not know what might be creeping onto their new property, under the slab, or what may be in the walls that only becomes an issue when renovations begin. So, because environmental problems often come with high price tags that may take a long time to resolve, environmental issues often end up delaying, busting budgets, or killing deals entirely.

This panel discussion will include real life examples of how previously unknown or misunderstood problems were identified and addressed, and how proper due diligence can help avoid the (environmental) tail from wagging the dog (of a deal).

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Roux Associates

Panel Presenters

Mitchell A. Wiest, P.G., LEPMitchell A. Wiest, P.G., LEP
Principal Hydrogeologist

Eric R. AllonEric R. Allon
Bernkopf Goodman LLP

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