Local Business Owner; New York
Roux provided environmental services throughout the client's acquisition and redevelopment at an approximately 9-acre former refinery and bulk petroleum storage facility. Roux guided the client (a local small business owner) through the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP), which included a remedial investigation (RI), preparation of the RI report and remedial action work plan, waste characterization sampling, field supervision of the remedy implementation, and preparation of the final engineering report. Roux designed and implemented an in situ stabilization remediation approach that was designed to achieve site remediation goals, as well as limit the impact to the surrounding neighborhood by limiting truck traffic, emissions, and odors associated with more traditional remedial excavation approaches. The project is expected to yield a multi-million-dollar tax credit for the client upon completion.
Click here to learn more about Brownfields/Due Diligence.
Olean, New York
Local Business Owner
Remedial Investigation
Remedial Investigation Report
Remedial Action Work Plan
Waste Characterization Sampling
Field Supervision
Final Engineering Report Preparation