Con Edison Master Services Agreement

Con Edison; New York


Roux has an existing master services agreement (MSA) with Con Edison to support the remediation of legacy and recent releases to the environment. As part of this contract, Roux directly manages more than a dozen projects, including but not limited to emergency response actions from transformer releases; performance of groundwater monitoring and reporting for legacy remediation sites; ongoing operations and maintenance (O&M); reporting for historic petroleum releases; strategic consulting on National Priorities List (NPL) Superfund sites; and expert witness support on a litigation case associated with polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) contamination within subgrade vaults and adjacent sensitive receptors.

Roux utilizes staff from three different offices under a central client manager that coordinates with a range of client project managers from three different Con Edison departments (i.e., legacy remediation, substation operations, and legal). According to the client, Roux provides superior client management compared to our competitors because we provide a more organized and wholistic approach to their needs.

Learn more about Public Sector and Energy.


New York, New York


Con Edison

Affiliated Markets

Public Sector


Roux Services

Emergency Response Actions

Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting

Operations and Maintenance (O&M)

Historic Petroleum Release Reporting

Strategic Consulting on NPL Superfund Sites

Expert Witness Support



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