Former Dry Cleaner Remediation via Pneumatic Fracturing

Former Dry Cleaner; New Jersey


Roux remediated a former dry cleaner site which was previously undergoing an ineffective remediation for over ten years under the direction of another consultant. Roux developed and implemented a cutting-edge remedial program utilizing pneumatic fracturing using the injection of zero valent iron (ZVI) and emulsified vegetable oil (EVO) to remediate groundwater and saturated soil, and using soil vapor extraction (SVE) to address unsaturated soil impacts. Roux was successful in alleviating the existing liability, while at the same time providing the client with significant cost savings.

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Northern New Jersey


Former Dry Cleaner

Affiliated Markets

Brownfields/Due Diligence

Roux Services

Pneumatic Fracturing via Zero Valent Iron and Emulsified Vegetable Oil Injections

Soil Vapor Extraction

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