Mega-Sediment Site

Major Industrial Client; New York


Roux supports a potentially responsible party (PRP) that is part of a multi-party PRP group on a mega-sediment National Priorities List (NPL) Superfund Site in the New York City Metro area. Roux leads a multi-firm interdisciplinary team providing technical and strategic support to limit the client’s long-term liability at the Site and ensuring work conducted by the larger PRP group aligns with the client’s goals and quality standards. Responsibilities include strategic and technical review of work plans, reports, and agency communications; attendance of PRP/regulatory agency meetings; participation in technical work groups; and tracking and advising on the interaction of PRPs, citizen groups, and regulatory agencies. In addition, Roux provides remedial cost allocation modeling, natural resources damages assessment support, nexus report development, and sediment sample collection and assessment activities.

Learn more about Energy and Sediment Management Services.


New York, New York


Major Industrial Client

Roux Services

CERCLA Technical and Strategic Support

Natural Resources Damages Assessment Support


