Remediation and Monitoring of Soil and Groundwater Contamination

New York City Department of Design and Construction; New York


Roux provided engineering consulting and environmental management services for the investigation and remediation of multiple petroleum-contaminated sites. Locations included over 100 NYC agency-owned or leased properties in Queens, Brooklyn, and Staten Island where vehicle fueling activities occurred. Approximately 50 of the sites had operating remedial systems. The sites included sanitation garages, water supply pump stations, wastewater treatment plants, firehouses, police stations, and vehicle maintenance facilities.

The remediation systems at various sites included dual-phase extraction, soil vapor extraction, air sparging, groundwater recovery and treatment, and automated product-only recovery systems. Roux focused on maximizing contaminant recovery to expedite the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) approval of system shutdowns.

The Roux team worked alongside the New York City Department of Design and Construction (NYCDDC) managers and based our field and support team in an office at the Long Island City building where the NYCDDC is headquartered. We worked closely with the NYCDDC to plan out strategy to improve the overall program and accelerate the path to closure for most of the sites.

Roux successfully negotiated with the NYSDEC to reduce monitoring and reporting requirements at many of the sites. We shut down remedial systems that were no longer effective and either implemented an alternative approach or submitted a request to the NYSDEC for No Further Action status. Roux identified priority work at sites, selected equipment for purchase, and coordinated bidding and contractor selection for implementation of remedial construction. Roux achieved results that reduced the overall program costs while improving the effectiveness (i.e., contaminant removal rates) of the remedial systems.

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New York


New York City Department of Design and Construction

Affiliated Markets

Public Sector

Roux Services

Preparation of Work Plans and Periodic Reports

Groundwater and Soil Sampling

Engineering Design

Permits Coordination

Evaluation and Optimization of Existing Remediation Systems

Negotiation/Coordination with NYC Agencies

Groundwater Modeling and Sensitive Receptor Surveys

Soil Vapor Studies

Developing Alternate Low-cost In Situ Approaches



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