Renewable Energy Developer; New Jersey
Roux performed investigation and remediation at a former lampblack manufacturing site on behalf of the industrial owner. Due to size and location, the Site was unlikely to be redeveloped and the industrial owner continued to pay for inspections, maintenance, and regulatory reporting. When the industrial client was approached by a renewable energy developer about establishment of a solar project on the Site, Roux worked cooperatively with both parties. The renewable energy developer purchased the Site and Roux provided environmental due diligence, wetland delineation, and waterfront development permitting to facilitate construction of the solar panels. Once construction started, Roux prepared an intrusive workplan to ensure that contaminated soils were managed properly, and performed periodic inspections. Roux continues to provide inspections and regulatory reporting for the Site and is the LSRP of record on behalf of the renewable energy developer.
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Camden, New Jersey
Renewable Energy Developer
Remedial Action
Wetland Delineation
Waterfront Development Permitting