Superfund Site Acquisition Support

Major Developer; Massachusetts


Roux represented a confidential major developer client throughout the acquisition of an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Priorities List (NPL) Superfund Site that was found to be contaminating the public water supply. Roux first became involved with the project in 2021 when our client began considering the purchase of the property. Roux provided environmental support throughout the client’s due diligence and purchase negotiations, culminating in purchase of the property in 2023. Environmental services included due diligence support, including the development and costing of a remediation approach that was in line with the EPA site goals, as well as within the client's desired timeline. Throughout this process, Roux worked closely with the client and environmental counsel teams to provide support in pre-acquisition negotiations with the seller and EPA. Roux has continued to provide environmental services for site investigation and remediation activities, which are managed by both the EPA as well as the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP). Roux will additionally provide Licensed Site Professional (LSP) services for MassDEP work.

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Major Developer

Affiliated Markets

Brownfields/Due Diligence

Roux Services

Due Diligence Assessments

Negotiation Support

Site Investigation


Licensed Site Professional Services



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