Published Article: Innovative Remediation Strategies at Redevelopment Sites
Brownfield sites with complex physical settings, such as weathered or fractured bedrock and deep contaminants, complicated chemical and physical composition of contaminants, and operating or redevelopment complications, can pose problems for the effective use of traditional remedies. These challenging sites require innovative remedial technologies and creative thinking to reach remediation goals and allow redevelopment to occur on schedule and on budget.
“Innovative Remediation Strategies at Redevelopment Sites,” written by Roux’s Timothy Adams, P.G. and Anne E. Viner, Esq. of WCD Group, examines three Brownfields sites in different U.S. regions, which each required creative remedial approaches to treat volatile organic compounds (VOCs), conquer the challenges posed, and allow redevelopment to proceed.
Click the PDF below to read the article, published in the American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources‘ May 2017 Environmental Transactions and Brownfields Committee Newsletter (Vol. 19, No. 2). To view all committee newsletters, click here.