Dry Cleaners

Roux has extensive experience with dry cleaner sites working for developers, property owners, and insurance companies.

We provide turn-key environmental investigation, remediation, expert, and insurance support services. Our strategic planning and negotiation during site investigation and remediation focuses on completing work in minimal time, thereby saving costs, and produces an outcome that is consistent with the intended future use of a property—readying the site for reoccupancy or redevelopment. We have successfully applied a wide range of in situ remedial technologies at dry cleaner sites, including air sparging/soil vapor extraction, enhanced reductive dechlorination, liquid oxidant injection, injection of solvent degrading bacteria, zero valent iron injection, liquid activated carbon injection, sub-slab depressurization, and monitored natural attenuation. In instances where the tenant space needs to remain open, we have employed innovative technologies including directional drilling and design of remote access injection equipment and controls to minimize business disruption.